Material handling is present in just about every position and making sure the person is capable of safely lifting and carrying the material is critical.                                                  

We offer several standardized protocols to evaluate safe material handling and can obtain safe and reliable material handling data in the Occasional, Frequent, and Constant categories. 

Through the evaluation we also provide feedback about appropriate lifting technique and body mechanics.

Maximum Isoinertial Lifting Evaluation

This evaluation is used to test the client's safe maximal lifting on an "Occasional" basis and may be compared to the Snook normative data.  This test involves lifting from floor level, 12 inches from floor level, knuckle level, shoulder level, and over head level.  It also involves carrying and pushing/pulling for 30 feet.  Body mechanics and safety are always observed and the client is stopped immediately if the lift becomes unsafe.

 PILE - Progressive Isoinertial Lifting Evaluation

This evaluation is used to test the client's safe maximal lifting on a "Frequent" basis over a short period of time.  It is comprised of two components, the Lumbar PILE and Cervical PILE.  This test also allows for comparison to normative data and is typically regarded as a good test for determining "Frequent" lifting capacity. 

This test involves 4 lifts from various heights and the client has 20 seconds to complete each lift.  Body mechanics and safety are always observed and the client is stopped immediately if the lift becomes unsafe.

 EPIC Lift Capacity

Using this protocol will not only provide information on the client's ability to lift in the "Occasional" and "Frequent" categories, but it also has the ability to evaluate "Constant" lifting ability.  The lifting is evaluated at floor, waist, and shoulder levels.  In order to use the EPIC Lift Capacity, an evaluator must undergo extensive training, testing, and critiques and must be certified in order to administer this test.  The EPIC Lift Capacity also has the ability to compare the individual's performance to normative data.